Business Impact Calculator
Acqueon’s Product Portfolio Addresses These Use Cases:
- Revenue Recovery:
Collections, Delinquency, & Payment Adherence - Revenue Generation:
Sales – Consumer Interest ‘Leads’ to Business at Scale - Revenue Generation:
Sales – Business to Customer (Cross Sell/Up Sell) at Scale - Revenue Generation:
Sales – Appointments Management - Cost Reduction:
Labor Efficiency / Call Avoidance / Increase % of Self Service
Consumers, patients, and citizens act in your favor most frequently if they get the most impactful content at the best time to connect with them and in the ideal voice, SMS, or email channel. We all know this will have the best impact on consumers, but we need to take steps in sales to prove it. Vision selling features that show qualitative results only get salespeople in the door. ROI numbers based upon a consultative discovery can show actual economic impact. This gets you past the economic buying team and, thus, the win.
As you develop and implement plans to achieve better business outcomes, please use this tool (BIC) to assist you in maximizing revenue results in Revenue Generation and Revenue Recovery in Collections, Sales, and Proactive Service.
Acqueon Campaigns, which include advanced Campaign, List, and Compliance tools, are the go-to for proactive omnichannel outreach and outreach safety. For our customers’ most common business functions, this calculator shows the typical impact on your KPIs using Acqueon.