Acqueon is excited to announce our inaugural Customer Advisory Board Summit! This hybrid event will take place on April 24th & 25th at the Hyatt Regency in downtown San Francisco, overlooking the iconic Embarcadero waterfront. Like so many other companies, our in-person initiatives have been thwarted for far too long by the unforeseen challenges of the global health crisis. But 2022 brings change and in many ways, a return to the things we love most— including collaborating face to face with our customers. We of course remain thankful for the extraordinary virtual capabilities enabling several loyal customers to attend remotely!
Gathering for two days of candid, break-through and action-fueled conversation, key customers across financial services, banking, healthcare and telecommunications join Acqueon’s Leadership Team to dive deep into each customers’ specific needs, goals and plans for the future. Acqueon Chief Product Officer Patrick Beyries will share our vision, as well as the current and future Product Roadmap strategy.
Key goals for the inaugural CAB Summit are two-fold: build & grow relationships with our distinguished customers, and secure input that will help fuel our mutual go-forward plans and growth goals.