These are tough times for healthcare providers. They lost over $300B in 2020 because of COVID. The pandemic has increased healthcare costs while patients were postponing elective procedures, a key source of profit. Despite vaccination staggering progress, 40% of hospitals are still facing negative margins. It compounds with a looming retention issue. Patients struggle to get their regular care and nearly half of them shared their health plan has failed to show concern for their health since the pandemic started.
This nexus of forces is now propelling the industry, traditionally cautious with new technologies, to the forefront of their adoption. It is quickly adopting digital solutions with the triple goal of improving patient engagement, increasing productivity, and reducing the load of overburdened doctors and nurses.
The best place to start is by bringing together contact centers and Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems. The integration delivers contact center efficiencies to many processes. Agents, equipped with desktop applications insulating them from the complexities of EHR systems, can effectively offload tasks from providers. Eventually, campaign management improves the workflows of many critical patient engagement activities such as appointments, referrals, and reminders.
Learn more about EHR and contact center integration: